Friday, February 27, 2015

Mobile Application Development Trainer (Android, Phonegap, HTML5, CSS3, SQLite JSON)

Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 - Freelance Certified IT Trainer  Android Phonegap, , Excel VBA Macro , Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D , MS Project, ExtJS, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, MS. Access VBA, Primavera P6, MS Project (others ) Berpengalaman 15 Tahun sebagai Trainer bersertifikasi
Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 , IT trainer , Excel / access VBA Macro, MS Project, Primavera,
PHP Ajax Jquery, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D, Ubuntu, Sencha ExtJS, YII, Code Igniter,
Oracle, SQL Server,
Bandung, Jakarta, Bali, Medan, Surabaya, Yogya, Indonesia

Integrating HTML5, CSS and PHP to Create a Very Basic Contact Form

HTML5 has been helping webmasters to clean up their code by utilising newly introduced features of the same. It won't be possible for me to touch base with every HTML5 feature, but I will be listing down some of those during the course of this tutorial.

Forms are an integral part of any website that wants its visitors to get in touch with the owner of that website. They bridge the gap virtually between the webmaster and the website visitor.

Here, we will implement a very basic combination of HTML5 with CSS and PHP in order to create a contact form. You might have created a lot of contact forms but our purpose here is to do the same using the appreciable features of HTML5. Let's do it!

Note: The code below will work with most of the Internet browsers that are being widely used as of today.

Our Goal

For starters, you must have an idea of what we are going to create. It will be a simple contact form as shown below:

Catching up with HTML5

Without further discussions, let's create our first index.php file. Please be aware that you will require a web server to test index.php file. Explaining the setup of same is out of the scope of this tutorial.

The very initial index.php will look like this:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>My Contact Form</title>
    <header class="main">
        <h1>My Contact Form</h1>
    <section class="main">
        [Form code goes here]

See any differences from your regular html code?

Well, there are few. Let me explain each of them:

    The cleanest ever DOCTYPE -In case you haven't noticed, the above HTML5 code boasts of a very clean DOCTYPE tag. If you have worked with earlier versions of HTML5 then you will understand what I mean and why am I emphasizing on it. If you haven't seen the DOCTYPE tag before then ignore this and move on.
    The <header> and <section> tags – Ever used these tags in earlier versions of HTML? Well, now you can and avoid the usage of div tags. Both the tags have been assigned a class "main" so that I am comfortable styling them as I want using my style.css. HTML5 also has a <footer> tag which will be used (obviously) for footer of your webpage.

The Form:

Now, lets talk about the code that will shape our form (the very purpose of this tutorial). The below code will be placed in our section tag (unless you are planning to push your form to the header or footer section of your webpage.)

       <label>Your Name:</label>
       <input name="name" placeholder="Goes Here">
       <label>Your Email:</label>
       <input name="email" type="email" placeholder="Goes Here">
       <label>Your Message:</label>
       <textarea name="message" placeholder="Goes Here"></textarea>
       <input id="submit" name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit">

Again, you will notice differences between the above HTML5 code and our old versions. Let me throw some light:

    <input> tag need not be closed - Older versions of HTML wanted <input/> while HTML5 is satisfied with <input>. Quiet clean, right?
    type = "email" enhances iPhone experience - Although browsers that do not understand type="email" in above code will assume it to be type="text" yet iPhone makes your life a bit easier. It adds a @ symbol button in its keypad when the type="email" field is active. Cute?
    placeholder makes life easy - If you noticed the image of our upcoming form above, then you will see the text "Goes Here" in every field. I remember spending hours with JavaScript so as to make this possible. HTML5 makes this a cakewalk!

Now, our very own CSS

That was it! Our HTML5 tutorial is over and we move on to CSS to style our HTML5 form. For starters, place the below code just above your <body> tag so as to tell your index.php that someone out their is ready to make her beautiful.

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">

Now create a style.css in the same folder and paste the below code into it.

label {

/* This section centers our complete page */
.main {
    margin:0 auto;

/* This section centers the form inside our web page*/
form {
    margin:0 auto;

/* Applying styles to our text boxes */
input, textarea {
    border:2px solid #f6f6f6;

textarea {

#submit {

Let me deconstruct the important parts of above code:

    The display:block property for label converts the <label> tags into block level elements. This pushes them to next line henceforth cleaning up the HTML5 form and pushing every thing to a new line.
    The text-indent:-9999px; property for #submit hides the actual "Submit" text so as to make room for the Submit Button (which I quickly created using Cool Text).
    I am assuming that rest of the code is self explanatory even if you are least familiar with CSS. Leave comments in case of confusions and I will be more than happy to get back to you.

PHP Integration

First, we edit the <form> tag in your code to what you see below:

<form method="post" action="index.php">

Now, insert the below code just above your <form> tag:

       $name = $_POST['name'];
       $email = $_POST['email'];
       $message = $_POST['message'];
       $from = 'From: My Contact Form';
       $to = '';
       $subject = 'Wassup?';

       $body = "From: $name\n E-Mail: $email\n Message:\n $message";

       if ($_POST['submit']) {
           if (mail ($to, $subject, $body, $from)) {
           echo '<p>Message Sent Successfully!</p>';
           } else {
           echo '<p>Ah! Try again, please?</p>';

Once you save the above changes then your contact form should work as expected. It will send emails to your email address
Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 , IT trainer , Excel / access VBA Macro, MS Project, Primavera,
PHP Ajax Jquery, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D, Ubuntu, Sencha ExtJS, YII, Code Igniter,
Oracle, SQL Server,
Bandung, Jakarta, Bali, Medan, Surabaya, Yogya, Indonesia

Membuat wifi hotspot menggunakan laptop Anda - Create Hotspot using laptop

Create hotspot wifi using your personal laptop (windows 7)

Pada beberapa kondisi Anda ingin membagi koneksi internet yang ada di laptop anda yang terhubung dengan usb modem kepada teman teman Anda, dengan kata lain wifi  laptop anda akan berperan sebagai virtual router untuk dijadikan hotspot.

Yang saya maksud adalah :
> Koneksi yang anda bagi termasuk untuk device lain selain laptop , seperti smartphone atau tablet
> Bukan dengan metode wireless adhoc karena adhoc tidak bisa membagi jaringan ke selain laptop / komputer
> Bukan cara gampang dengan mentatering smartphone karena koneksi yang dibagi berasal dari USB modem laptop Anda
> Dari Smartphone tidak perlu setting static IP 192.168.137..... seperti informasi di internet
>Tanpa menggunakan software pihak ke3 seperti mhotspot, connectify, virtual router yang kadang tergantung dengan Service Pack Anda juga

Cara ini murni berasal dari windows 7 Anda !!

Jika anda menggunakan windows 8 caranya sangat mudah karena anda cukup mengubah setting adapter koneksi internet Anda dan membaginya (Shared)

Yang perlu dihindari saat akan melakukan setup dan konfigurasi adalah
1. Jangan dahulu melakukan shared adapter koneksi internet Anda
2. Tidak perlu mematikan sistem windows firewall Anda

Berikut tahapan membuat hostpot di laptop Anda

1. Internet Anda connect atau belum conect tidak masalah, namun pastikan dahulu service ICS dalam kondisi  Automatically bukan manual
2. Masuk command prompt (cmd) sebagai Administrator
3. Cek Status Wlan Driver Anda , ketik C:\>netsh wlan show driver
    pastikan status "Hosted Network Supported : Yes"
4. lanjutkan dengan perintah perintah berikut :
    netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow   <---- mengaktifkan mode hosted
    netsh wlan set hostednetwork ssid=hotguwe <---contoh nama hotspot anda nanti
    netsh wlan set hostednetwork key=hot12345678 <-- password hotspot mode wpa
    netsh wlan start hostednetwork   <-- menjalankan service hotspot anda
    netsh wlan show hostednetwork  <-- mengecek status hotspot anda

7. Sekarang buka "Network and sharing Center" --> Change Adapter Setting --> Pilih Adapter Internet Anda dan ubah properti Sharing dengan mengaktifkan semua checkbox di bagian "Internet Connection Sharing" , lakukan perubahan juga pada "setting" lainnya dengan mengaktifkan https dan http (tergantung izin akses yang anda ingin berikan), saat anda menekan OK anda akan diminta memilih "Private Network" yang akan menerima sharing, pastikan anda memilih wireless connection dengan nama ssid yang anda telah buat (hotguwe)
8. Setelah tahap sharing selesai  perhatikan pada tampilan adapter adapter yang muncul akan ada tambahan (wireless connection adapter) dengan nama "hotguwe"
9. Kembali ke Cmd  jalankan perintah : netsh wlan stop hostednetwork  <-- mematikan hotspot , lallu jalankan kembali dengan perintah : netsh wlan start hostednetwork
10. Selesai , sekarang coba cek android / smartphone anda , 1 buah koneksi wifi baru dengan nama hotguwe sudah muncul dan anda bisa mencoba masuk dengan key yang anda buat sebelumnya
11. untuk mengecek berapa koneksi yang sudah terhubung ke hotspot laptop anda gunakan perintah : netsh wlan show hostednetwork , lalu lihat status "number of clients "

Terima kasih semoga bermanfaat

English translation

In some cases you want to share the internet connection in your laptop connected to the USB modem to your friend's friends, in other words your laptop wifi will act as a virtual router to be used as a hotspot.
What I mean is:
> Sharing not only for other laptop, but it is for other device also such as a smartphone or tablet
> Not using wireless adhoc method for because adhoc networks can not be shared to smartphone
> From Smartphones do not need to set a static IP 192 168 137 ..... as information on the internet
> Without using 3rd party software like mhotspot, Connectify, a virtual router that sometimes depends on the Service Pack you also
This method is purely derived from windows 7 you !!

If you are using windows 8 is very easy because you can just change the adapter settings and share your internet connection (Shared)

Which should be avoided when making the setup and configuration is
1. Do not practicing shared your internet connection adapter
2. No need to turn off your firewall windows system

The following stages make hostpot on your laptop

1. you should verify that the ICS service in conditions not manually Automatically
2. Enter the command prompt (cmd) as Administrator
3. Check the status of your Wlan Driver, type C: \> netsh wlan show drivers
verify the status of "Hosted Network Supported: Yes"
4. proceed with the following commands:
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow <---- activate hosted mode
netsh wlan set hostednetwork ssid = hotguwe <--- example hotspot name you later
netsh wlan set hostednetwork key = hot12345678 <- password wpa fashion hotspot
netsh wlan start hostednetwork <- run your hotspot service
netsh wlan show hostednetwork <- check the status of your hotspot
7. Now open the "Network and Sharing Center" -> Change Adapter Settings -> Select Adapter and change the properties of your Internet Sharing to activate all checkboxes in the "Internet Connection Sharing", do also change the "settings" to activate https other and http (depending on the access permissions that you want to give), when you press OK you will be asked to select the "Private Network" which will receive a share, make sure you choose a wireless connection with ssid name that you have created (hotguwe)
8. After sharing the stage of completion notice on the display adapter adapter that appears to have additional (wireless connection adapter) with the name "hotguwe"
9. Back to Cmd run the command: netsh wlan stop hostednetwork <- turn off the hotspot, lallu rerun the command: netsh wlan start hostednetwork
10. Done, now try to check the android / your smartphone, 1 piece new wifi connection with hotguwe name already appears and you can try to get in with the key that you created earlier
11. to check how many connections are already connected to your laptop hotspot use the command: netsh wlan show hostednetwork, and see the status of "number of clients"

Thank you hopefully useful

by :
Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 , IT trainer , Excel / access VBA Macro, MS Project, Primavera,
PHP Ajax Jquery, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D, Ubuntu, Sencha ExtJS, YII, Code Igniter,
Oracle, SQL Server,
Bandung, Jakarta, Bali, Medan, Surabaya, Yogya, Indonesia

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Connecting PHP to SQL Server using SQLsrv

For connection from PHP->SQLSrv you need install these drivers :
a. Microsoft Drivers 3.0 for PHP for SQL Server (SQLSRV30.EXE)

b. Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (32bits/64bits)

c. Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Native Client (sqlncli.msi)

And then you must add this row in php.ini file:


by :
Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 , IT trainer , Excel / access VBA Macro, MS Project, Primavera,
PHP Ajax Jquery, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D, Ubuntu, Sencha ExtJS, YII, Code Igniter,
Oracle, SQL Server,
Bandung, Jakarta, Bali, Medan, Surabaya, Yogya, Indonesia

IT Trainer Indonesia

Freelance Inhouse Trainer, Professional Trainer, Certified Trainer
Bandung, Jakarta, Bali , Yogya, Subang, Kalimantan, Sulawesi

Hery Purnama (081.223344.506)

Application Programming :
Excel VBA macro , MS. Access VBA Programming, Visual Foxpro , VB/ ASP.Net

Project Management and Methodology with :
- Microsoft Project 2010/2013
- Primavera P6

Graphical :
Google Sketchup 3D with Vray Effect, Photoshop/Fireworks ,Director, CorelDraw, Swimax/ Flash

Web Development :
PHP - Google Map API V.3
PHP - Sencha ExtJS
PHP - Ajax Jquery
PHP CodeIgniter Framework with MySQL/ SQL Server
PHP Yii Framework
Cake PHP

Database :
Oracle DBA (10/11g)
SQL Server DBA (2008/2012)

Networking :
UBUNTU Server (Admin & Configuration)
Windows Server 2008  (Admin & Configuration)

and many other topics, please visit :

Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 , IT trainer , Excel / access VBA Macro, MS Project, Primavera,
PHP Ajax Jquery, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D, Ubuntu, Sencha ExtJS, YII, Code Igniter,
Oracle, SQL Server,
Bandung, Jakarta, Bali, Medan, Surabaya, Yogya, Indonesia

Supported by

Connecting PHP CodeIgniter to SQL Server 2008/2012

7 Steps to make SQL Server and Codeigniter Works

Who are tried to connect Codeigniter with SQL Servers knows the suffering and the time invested to achieve this goal (or at least for me). Here is the steps that I follow, I hope that works for you!

  1. Download and execute the Microsoft Drivers 3.0 for PHP for SQL Server ( These is not a installer, just a EXE utility to uncompress the drivers for PHP.
  2. Download and install the SQL Client for SQL Server 2012 (for 64 bits here:, for 32 bits here:
  3. Verify what is your version of PHP (Thread Safe or Non – Thread Safe). How to do that? Create a new PHP file with the following content:

    Execute the script and verify the row with the name Thread Safety. If says "enabled" your PHP Installation is Thread Safe (TS), if have other value is Non Thread Safe (NTS).

  4. Go to the folder where uncompress the Drivers 3.0, and select the version corresponding to. In my case, is PHP 5.4 Thread Safe TS, but this choice varies according to your PHP version.
    Copy these file and put on the folder of the extensions of PHP (generally is in PHP_INSTALLATION_FOLDER/ext)
  5. Modify the php.ini file (generally located in PHP_INSTALLATION_FOLDER), and find the following word: extension=. Here you will find all the extensions enabled by default in PHP, and you only need to add the namefile of the extension you previously put on ext folder.
    Close and save changes, and restart the Apache / PHP service.
  6. Enable the SQL Server to listen on specific ports. Go to the machine where SQL Server is installed, press keys Win + R, and typing the following: SQLServerManager10.msc (this could change, if you have SQL Server 2012 type "SQLServerManager11.msc"). These command open the SQL Configuration Manager. Go to SQL Server Network Configuration option, Protocols for 'instance name', and double click on TCP/IP option.

    On the Protocol tab, row Enabled, select yes option, and in IP Address tab go to IPALL option, and in the row TCP Dynamic Ports make it blank and in the row TCP Port inputs whenever port you like (the standard is 1433)


    Click on Ok, and restart the SQL Server service.

  7. Go to Codeigniter, and in the database.php file do the following:
    /* EXTRACT OF database.php */
    $db['default']['hostname'] = ""; // or put the IP of your SQL Server Instance
    $db['default']['port'] = 1433; // or the port you configured on step 6
    $db['default']['username'] = 'test2';
    $db['default']['password'] = 'test2';
    $db['default']['database'] = 'contactos';
    $db['default']['dbdriver'] = 'sqlsrv';
    $db['default']['dbprefix'] = '';
    $db['default']['pconnect'] = FALSE; // Pay attention to this, codeigniter makes true for default
    $db['default']['db_debug'] = TRUE;
    $db['default']['cache_on'] = FALSE;
    $db['default']['cachedir'] = '';
    $db['default']['char_set'] = 'utf8';
    $db['default']['dbcollat'] = 'utf8_general_ci';
    $db['default']['swap_pre'] = '';
    $db['default']['autoinit'] = TRUE;
    $db['default']['stricton'] = FALSE;
  8. Congratulations! Now you can make any models and querys, and it should work

Source from :

Freelance Inhouse Trainer

Hery 081.223344.506 - Freelance Certified IT Trainer , Excel VBA Macro , Android Phonegap, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D , MS Project, ExtJS, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, MS. Access VBA, Primavera, MS Project.

Professional Trainer Primavera P6 , Bandung, Jakarta, Yogya, Bali

Hery Purnama  is a Freelance Inhouse Trainer for Primavera P6 Methodolgy Management or Project Portfolio Management , 15 years experience as Project Management Concept , MS. Project , Primavera P6 freelance Trainer

Inhouse trainer for location in Bandung, Jakarta, Bali, Yogya, Batam, Medan, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Makasar, Surabaya and other cities in indonesia

For inquiry please Call/ SMS/ Whatsapp to 081.223344.506 , email : or visit ,

Home town : Bandung

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Cari Freelance Trainer Primavera P6 - Hery 081.223344.506

Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 is a Freelance Inhouse Trainer for Primavera P6 Project Portfolio Management , 15 years experience as Project Management Concept , MS. Project , Primavera P6 freelance Trainer

Inhouse trainer for location in Bandung, Jakarta, Bali, Yogya, Batam, Medan, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Makasar, Surabaya and other cities in indonesia

For inquiry please Call/ SMS/ Whatsapp to 081.223344.506 , email : or visit ,

Freelance Trainer for Primavera P6 Methodology Management , Jakarta Bandung

Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 is a Freelance Inhouse Trainer for Primavera P6 Methodolgy Management or Project Portfolio Management , 15 years experience as Project Management Concept , MS. Project , Primavera P6 freelance Trainer

Inhouse trainer for location in Bandung, Jakarta, Bali, Yogya, Batam, Medan, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Makasar, Surabaya and other cities in indonesia

For inquiry please Call/ SMS/ Whatsapp to 081.223344.506 , email : or visit ,

Freelance trainer for Primavera P6 Project Management , jakarta - bandung

Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 is a Freelance Inhouse Trainer for Primavera P6 Project Portfolio Management , 15 years experience as Project Management Concept , MS. Project , Primavera P6 freelance Trainer

Inhouse trainer for location in Bandung, Jakarta, Bali, Yogya, Batam, Medan, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Makasar, Surabaya and other cities in indonesia

For inquiry please Call/ SMS/ Whatsapp to 081.223344.506 , email : or visit ,

Download Foxpro 2.6a for windows with patch26 (divide by zerro issue in XP)

Pada beberapa kasus yang terkait dengan imigrasi system terkadang Anda masih membutuhkan software lama seperti Foxpro 2.6a for Windows , software ini dapat anda download di 4shared.
Untuk instalasi di windows XP Anda akan menemukan error "Divide by Zero.." setelah selesai instalasi , solusinya berupa patch26.exe juga sudah saya sertakan dalam software yang nantinya akan Anda download.

Silahkan download Gratis software foxpro 2.6a for windows with patch26

Semoga membantu

Salam, Hery - Freelance IT Trainer & IT Engineer

English translation

In some cases related to the immigration system sometimes you still need the old software such as FoxPro 2.6a for Windows, this software can be downloaded at 4shared.
For installation on Windows XP you will find the error "Divide by Zero .." after the installation is complete, the solution in the form of patch26.exe also I have included in the software that will be downloaded.

Please download the software FoxPro 2.6a for windows with patch26 (free)

I hope this helps

Regards, Hery - Freelance IT Trainer & IT Engineer

Cara Hemat quota bandwidth Paket Internet Anda

Banyak blog yang menulis tentang tool Psiphon 3 dengan headline yang menjerat seperti " cara internet gratis " , "gratis berinternet dengan xl , simpati" , perhatikan komentar dibawahnya mayoritas tidak ada yang bilang sukses dengan cara cara yang ditunjukkan. Tentu saja karena Psiphon 3 bukan tool untuk membuat Anda berinternet gratis, come on guys memangnya sebodoh apa sih para network and telecomunication engineer di xl, telkomsel dan operator lain ?, tentunya system mereka sudah dilengkapi infrastruktur hardware dan software buat berbagai macam kombinasi, kalaupun bisa internet gratis tentunya rahasia internal para engineer tersebut lah...

Kali ini saya akan meluruskan tool psiphon 3 ini, tool ini digunakan sebagai media untuk mengalihkan trafic ke server proxy mereka sehingga biasanya bermanfaat untuk membypass proxy yang membatasi akses internet anda , contoh jika misalnya situs diblokir di telkomsel (silahkan coba saja !) maka dengan menyalakan tool ini pada mode SSH+ traffic anda dialihkan sehingga web tersebut bisa anda akses walaupun pakai telkomsel , namun dengan catatan bahwa anda butuh beberapa setting di registry juga apabila anda ingin membypass proxy yang ada autentikasi beserta port nya , contohnya proxy yang biasanya ada di kantor Anda

Nah dampak dari pengalihan traffic dengan psiphon 3 tentunya akan berantai juga dalam penghematan bandwidth karena bandwidth anda dianggap tidak melalui jalur semestinya yang dideteksi operator telekomunikasi. Anda bisa menggunakan mode VPN untuk pengalihan traffic yang otomatis tidak memakan kuota bandwidth Anda di operator TAPI dengan catatan , traffic yang bisa diproses hanya yang melalui http:// dan socket saja sedangkan traffic yang ke https:// tidak bisa ditangani oleh psiphon 3 ini. he he sedih bukan ? karena , facebook, twitter, yahoo, gmail , klikbca semua menggunakan https , sehingga access anda ke website website tersebut tetap terblock dan bandwidthnya diperhitungkan sekalipun psiphon 3 Anda gunakan

Nah yang menyesatkan juga bahwa di blog blog juga menginformasikan bahwa dengan pulsa 0 masih bisa internet gratis dengan mengaktifkan psiphon3 , tentu salah besar karena psiphon sangat mengandalkan koneksi internet anda aktif untuk bisa terhubung ke internet, jadi begitu pulsa dan koneksi internet anda habis, maka psiphon pun terputus

Sederhananya gini deh.. jika kiranya kartu anda masih aktif , paket data internet masih aktif anggaplah tinggal 50 MB , anda masih bisa konek via modem dan ingin kuota yang 50 MB itu terpakai sangat kecil (pasti tetap terpakai walau kecil) maka gunakan psiphon 3 dengan catatan akses yang non https:// begitu cara menghemat quota bandwidth paket internet Anda

Semoga bermanfaat

Hery - Freelance IT Trainer

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Aktifasi paket Internet Flash discovery 2,5 GB , pengalaman unik

Paket internet flash perdana telkomsel flash discovery 2,5 GB lumayan cepat. Pengalaman ini mungkin bisa menjadi pelajaran buat netizen.
Sebelumnya saya biasa menggunakan Axis lalu lanjut ke flash, suatu ketika coba menggunakan layanan simpati perdana yang dibeli di counter dekat rumah dan alhasil super kencang, kejadian unik terjadi setelah paket habis maka selanjutnya seperti yang biasa saya lakukan dengan simcard internet lain yaitu membuangnya dan membeli paket internet perdana baru, yang tidak saya sadari sebelumnya adalah waktu membeli paket perdana yang pertama adalah paket sudah aktif, tinggal pasang simcard di modem dan langsung jalan. Namun untuk pembelian yang ke2 ini saya salah besar ternyata perdana yang saya beli belum aktif (walau kata si mas yang jual sudah aktif dan langsung pake). Maka selanjutnya yang saya lakukan sudah bisa Anda tebak, saya masukkan ke modem dan sinyal tidak muncul serta muncul permintaan registrasi, OK no problem (berarti si masnya salah) saya lanjutkan dengan mengaktifkan dahulu kartu tersebut lalu masukkan kembali ke modem dan jreng.... koneksi internet pun jalan dengan kecepatan ok , tidak lama kemudian tiba tiba koneksi terputus, saya coba beberapa connect-disconnect modem dan tetap saja tidak jalan..., saya coba ke smartphone saya pun sama saja.

Mencoba tetap tenang lalu saya ambil bungkus perdana dan melihat dengan seksama informasi apa saja di bungkus itu yang mungkin bisa membantu..., lalu mata saya tertuju pada tulisan HUBUNGI *363*30# , ahaaaaa mungkin ini penyakitnya, nomor sudah saya aktifkan tapi paket belum otomatis aktif, lalu saya ikuti tahapannya dan benar saja tidak lama kemudian sms dari 3636 pun mengatakan SELAMAT... PAKET sudah aktif.., dengan sedikit semangat menggebu saya kembali memasukkan simcard ke modem dan coba konek , buttt.... TETEPPPP !! gak konek, what the heckkkk... !?? aya naon ieuu ?!!

Karena putus asa akhirnya neleponlah ke si Veronica (tapi yang angkat bukan si vero :)  tapi si mas mas yang sepertinya agak lesu mungkin kecapean terima telepon), lanjut cerita saya paparkan kondisi yang terjadi dan si mas pun minta waktu untuk mengecek informasi yang ada di telkomsel (saya asalnya kira problem jaringan data yang masalah). Tak lama si mas Vero kembali dan menyampaikan bahwa intinya semua aman aman saja , paket data saya juga masih utuhh ,tapi ada satu masalah kecil katanya pulsa saya cuma Rp 40 perak, minimal untuk paket bisa running kata si mas harus ada pulsa minimal Rp 50 (haaaa ??? cuma beda 10 perak tuh internet mogok kerja??!! itungan banget!)

Jadi sepertinya begini, setelah aktifkan Simcard yang sudah ada pulsa awal Rp 3000 , Telkomsel memberi bonus internet 50 MB , nah 50MB itu yang saya pake tadi selama sejam lalu habislah bonus itu dan memakan pulsa saya hingga tinggal Rp 40, lalu saat saya sadari dan lalu mengaktifkan paket  discovery tersebut ke *363*30# paket pun aktif tapi tidak bisa dipakai karena pulsa tinggal Rp 40 perak.
Akhirnya segera saya isi pulsa Rp 5000 dan coba re-connect kembali, Finally JRENG om google sebagai situs pertama yang saya akses muncul kembali (senangnya hati ini...) lalu lanjut youtube, FB, twitter kembali exist lagi (Kerjaan prioritas  ke sekiannnn he he he ;)

Hikmahnya ? jangan percaya kata si mas yang jual kartu , saya yakin diapun gak tau mana yang sudah aktif atau belum kartu yang dia jual , pokoknya bagi dia yang penting kartu sudah terjual sisanya ??? jawab ya ya saja (untung saja jurus ngontroggg belum dikeluarin ;)

Ok semoga bermanfaat

Hery - Freelance IT Trainer

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Lenovo G40-45 camera driver error - no apropriate driver ..

solusi atas mayoritas masalah instalasi pada laptop lenovo saat install driver Produk lenovo yaitu camera Bison adalah muncul error apropriate

Solusi sederhananya, setelah anda download driver dari website resmi lenovo sesuai seri dan versi window, jalankan setup filenya (.exe) setelah selesai anda tidak perlu melanjutkan menjalankan setupnya, tapi buka driver instalation folder, contoh di C:\drivers\Camera Driver (Liteon, Bison)\Bison\ dan jalankan setup.exenya , easy camera beserta driver akan diinstal tanpa masalah, saya sudah mencobanya di laptop Lenovo G40-45.

Selamat mencoba

Cari Trainer Project Management Controlling / Portofolio with Primavera P6

Hery Purnama is a Freelance Certified Trainer for Project Management with Primavera P6 for inquiry please call/sms/whatsapp 081.223344.506

Freelance IT Trainer, Inhouse Trainer, Management Trainer

Cari trainer Project Management with Microsoft Project

Hery Purnama is a Freelance Certified Trainer for Project Management with MS Project , Earned value Concept, for inquiry please call/sms/whatsapp 081.223344.506

Freelance IT Trainer, Inhouse Trainer, Management Trainer

Cari trainer Android Phonegap

Hery Purnama is a Freelance Certified Trainer for Android Phonegap, Jquery Mobile, Phonegap, native Java, for inquiry please call/sms/whatsapp 081.223344.506

Freelance IT Trainer, Inhouse Trainer

Cari trainer Ubuntu Server

Hery Purnama is a Freelance Certified Trainer for UBUNTU Server administering and configuration , for inquiry please call/sms/whatsapp 081.223344.506

Freelance IT Trainer, Inhouse Trainer

Cari Trainer Oracle DBA, SQL Server, MySQL DBA

Hery Purnama is a Freelance Certified Trainer for Oracle, SQL server, MySQL DBA , for inquiry please call/sms/whatsapp 081.223344.506

Freelance IT Trainer, Inhouse Trainer

Cari Trainer MS. Access VBA Programming

Hery Purnama is a Freelance Certified Trainer for  MS Access VBA Programming , for inquiry please call/sms/whatsapp 081.223344.506

Freelance IT Trainer, Inhouse Trainer

Cari Trainer ITIL Foundation V.3

Hery Purnama is a Freelance Certified Trainer for ITILF V.3 , for inquiry please call/sms/whatsapp 081.223344.506

Freelance IT Trainer, Inhouse Trainer, management Trainer

Cari Trainer PHP Google Map API , Google Skethcup 3D

Hery Purnama is a Freelance Certified Trainer for Google Map API, Google Sketchup 3D, for inquiry please call/sms/whatsapp 081.223344.506

Freelance IT Trainer, Inhouse Trainer

Cari Trainer PHP Ajax, Jquery, Code Igniter, Yii

Hery Purnama is a Freelance Certified Trainer for PHP Ajax Jquery, Code Igniter, Yii Framework , for inquiry please call/sms/whatsapp 081.223344.506

Freelance IT Trainer, Inhouse Trainer

Inhouse Trainer untuk sencha extjs

Hery Purnama is a Freelance Certified Trainer for Excel VBA Macro , for inquiry please call/sms/whatsapp 081.223344.506

Freelance IT Trainer, Inhouse Trainer

Trainer Excel VBA Macro , Hery - 081.223344.506

Hery Purnama is a Freelance Certified Trainer for Excel VBA Macro , for inquiry please call/sms/whatsapp 081.223344.506

Freelance IT Trainer, Inhouse Trainer

How to install primavera P6 and product license key

1) Double click the setup.exe file to run the Primavera P6 setup as shown; (Click Yes if systems prompts for security assurance)
Initializing the Primavera Setup (Click to enlarge)

2) Click Next
3) Enter "EC-C01" as Product Code in the setup as shown;
Insert the License Code (Click to enlarge) 

4) Select "I accept the terms of License agreement " and click Next
5) In the Setup Type Select Primavera Stand-alone and Click Next as shown;
Stand-alone type setup (Click to enlarge)

6) Select the Destination Folder (Recommended "C:\Primavera") and Click Next
7) Click Next in the common files destination folder
8) Tick Mark Sample Project if you want to install Sample Projects and Click Next as shown;
Install Sample Project (Click to enlarge)

9) Click Next in the Program Shortcut folder
10) In the license selection part; Click Browse and Locate the "license.txt"  in the License folder of the Disk mounted as shown;
Locate the License file (Click to enlarge)

11) Click Next
12) Click Install
13) Wait a while for the setup to work and install necessary files
         a. Microsoft SQL Server 2005
14) If during the setup error occurs "could not write value to key \SOFTWARE…." Click Ignore as shown;
Error during installation (Click to enlarge)

15) In the database configuration;
        a. Click Next
        b. Click Finish
        c. Click Next
        d. Click Finish
16) Click Finish and you are done.
17) Open the project Management Module from the Apps or from start menu as shown;
Apps (Click to enlarge)

18) If you get an error while launching Primavera P6 about "Error: Couldn't Locate the language file" and a Runtime Error don't worry proceed as follows;

        a. Locate the language file at the following location: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Primavera Common\Languages
       b. Copy the Language folder and paste it to the following location: C:\Program Files\Primavera\Project Management\Languages\comCaptions.en-us

19) In the Login and Password enter admin in both, and hit OK
Login to Primavera (Click to enlarge)

20) If you get an error "Licensed named users is less than configured Named user" ignore it and Hit Ok
21) You will be taken to the Primavera Home Screen as shown;
Graphical User Interface (Click to enlarge)

22) Go the Admin Menu at the top menu bar and click Users as shown;
Admin Menu (Click to enlarge)

23) In the Users Dialog go to the Licensing Tab as shown;
licensing tab (Click to enlarge)

24) Uncheck all the checkboxes in the Named User Column and Just Check the Project Management in the concurrent User column as shown;
Project Management (Click to enlarge)

25) Click Close;
26) Now Close Primavera so that settings can be saved and restart Primavera and you are done with installation.
27) Right click the Mounted Disk and Click Eject to unmout the mounted disk

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Creata Android Notification with HTML , CSS, javascript

Synchronize local HTM5 database storage to mysql database

Phonegap sqlite

Create Calendar in Jquery EasyUI

How to create calendar Datebox in Jquery EasyUI
follow :

Create link button in Jquery EasyUi

How to create link button in Jquery Easyui
follow :

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Freelance Inhouse trainer for Microsoft Project and database

Hery Purnama 081223344506 , freelance IT Trainer , freelance inhouse trainer for Excel VBA Macro , details ? please visit
Othe subjects : Android Phonegap, google Map API, Google Sketchup 3D, MS Project, Project Management, Oracle, SQL Server, ITIL, PHP Ajax Jquery, Sencha ExtJS, UML, RDBMS Concept , Code Igniter, Yii Framework, Jquery Mobile, HTML5 & CSS 3, Microsoft Access Programming, Visual Foxpro and others, please call/ sms 081223344506 for any further informations or inquiry

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Training, Pelatihan, Kursus, Trainer , Pengajar, Instruktur Freelance - Hery

Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 (From Bandung ) – Trainer/ Pengajar freelance Excel VBA Macro, MS Project, Android Jquery mobile , Phonegap, Google Map API, Google Sketchup 3D , MS Project, Sencha ExtJS, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, MS. Access VBA, RDBMS Concept, PHP , ITIL, COBIT, UML, Ubuntu server, Ajax JQUERY, Yii Framework, Zend, cake PHP, Ruby, ActiveJS Code Igniter, Adobe Director, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Adobe Flex, Agility, ActiveJS, Javascript, JSON, XML, SOAP, Ms Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Swishmax, Codecharge , Ironspeed, Windows Server, HTML5, CSS 3, PHP SMS Gateway, Photoshop, CorelDraw, UML, JQWidget, JeasyUI, Facebook API Developer, SEO & Internet Marketing, Excel Advance for accounting, finance, Project Management,,, dll.. Berpengalaman 15 Tahun sebagai Trainer bersertifikasi CIW, OCA, ITILF, MCP, MOS, MCDBA

Pelatihan, Kursus, Privat, Training, Seminar, Inhouse, Workshop , Training di hotel, training di bank, training di pertambangan, training di perminyakan, training di BUMN / BUMD, training pemda/ pemkot ,kuliah umum, kuliah terbuka, dosen luar biasa, training di kampus, training di industri/ pabrik, training di universitas, training di telekomunikasi, training di militer, training di otomotif , freelance certified IT Trainer (Hery 081.223344.506)

Perusahaan Anda bisa mengundang saya mewakili diri saya sendiri sebagai moderator/trainer/pembicara atau mewakili bendera training center dimana saya aktif terlibat saat ini ( Saya dengan senang hati  datang membantu memberikan pelatihan / training di tempat / perusahaan Anda untuk peningkatan kualitas SDM baik IT atau Manajemen. Hubungi Hery 081.223344.506

Freelance Inhouse  Trainer untuk lokasi  Bandung, jakarta, karawang, bekasi, purwakarta, subang, lembang, tangerang, bogor,bali, yogya, surabaya, medan, makasar , menado, kalimantan dan kota lainnya di indonesia dan juga  malaysia, singapore (silahkan hubungi Hery +62.81.223344.506, pinBB 7DC633AA)

Freelance IT Trainer, Pengajar Komputer, Inhouse Trainer, Management Trainer , Hery

Detail di ,

Training Topics :

> Management : Project Management, Marketing Strategy, HR

> Information Technology , Freelance Trainer (Hery 081.223344.506) :

  • Google Application Integration Toolbox  for web developer
  • Building Integrated Map Website with PHP MySQL and Google Map API V.3
  • Web Integration with Facebook API developer toolbox
  • Web Development with CMS WordPress
  • Web Development with PHP Yii Framework
  • Web Development with PHP CodeIgniter
  • Project Management Methodologies  With Microsoft Project 2010
  • SEO and Internet Marketing
  • RDBMS – Database Concept
  • ITIL V.3 Foundation
  • Building Database Application with Microsoft Access 2010
  • Microsoft Access 2010 VBA Macro programming
  • MYSQL Server DBA Fundamental
  • Object Manipulation with Adobe Photoshop CS
  • CorelDraw X6 for Marketing and Promotion
  • Google Sketchup 3D for Building Interior
  • Building Flash Animation with SWISHMAX
  • Building PHP MySQL – AJAX Web Application with Adobe Dreamweaver CS
  • Building  ASP.Net Application with IronSpeed Designer
  • Building PHP MySQL Web Application with CodeCharge Studio
  • Mobile Application Development for Android with Jquery Mobile, MySQL & Phonegap
  • HTML 5 for Mobile Application Development
  • Microsoft Office 2010 (WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT)
  • Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Application (VBA-Macro)
  • Networking Essential
  • Installing, Configuring and Administering Windows Server 2008
  • Installing, Configuring and Administering UBUNTU
  • Installing and Configuring Exchange Server 2008
  • CISCO Router
  • Application Programming with VB.NET
  • Web and Application programming with ASP.NET
  • Web and Application programming with PHP – MYSQL
  • Building Rich Internet Application  with PHP and Sencha ExtJs
  • Building web application with PHP MySQL & AJAX Jquery
  • Building Event Scheduler System with PHP AJAX and SMS Gateway
  • Computer for Secretary and Admin Staff (Networking  Essential, MS. Outlook, Document Security and sharing, MS. Office Integration, File Archive and data backup – Recovery, etc.)
  • Kerio Winroute Firewall
  • SQL Server 2008 Database Design & DBA Fundamental
  • dan topik lainnya

My Clients (Perbankan, Industri, Pertambangan, BUMN, BUMD, Swasta, Universitas) :

  • PT. Sampoerna Tbk – Bandung
  • PT. Asuransi AXA Indonesia – Jakarta
  • Icon Plus (Icon PLN – jakarta)
  • Bank Ekonomi – Jakarta
  • PT. Karenindo Citra Utama – Jakarta
  • ITENAS – Bandung
  • Universitas Bina Nusantara (BINUS – Jakarta)
  • Bank Jabar Banten (BJB)
  • AMDOCS – Jakarta
  • PT. Elnusa, Tbk.
  • PT. Sarana Multigriya Finansial / SMF (Persero)
  • PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy (Thamrin – Jakarta)
  • PT. Indonesia Asahan Alumunium (INALUM- Medan)
  • UIN SUSKA – Riau
  • Rumah Sakit AWALBROS Bekasi
  • Universitas Andalas
  • Politeknik ACEH
  • Pusinfowas BPKP – Jakarta
  • Asuransi Takaful – Jakarta
  • PT. Freeport , Tbk – Tembagapura Papua
  • PT. Gerbang Sinergi Prima – Bandung
  • PT. CG Power System Indonesia – Bogor
  • PT. Pertamina (Persero) – Jakarta
  • Bank CIMB Niaga –  Jakarta
  • Ikatan Mahasiswa Teknik Metalurgi ITB – Bandung
  • PT. Pupuk Kijang – Cikampek
  • PT. Pertamina (Persero – Jakarta)
  • Bakrie Telecom Jakarta
  • SMKN 2 Garut
  • PT BES Kelapa Gading Jakarta
  • PT. Telkomsel – Jakarta
  • PT. Hutama Karya Persero (Bandung)
  • PT. Seascape Survey Indonesia
  • PT. Pupuk Kaltim
  • Dana Pensiun Pupuk Kaltim
  • PT. Sarinah (Persero)
  • PT. Weda Bay Nickel (Halmahera)
  • Taq-Taq Operating Company Ltd (Kurdhistan – Irak)
  • Bank BTPN Jakarta
  • PT. Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)
  • PT. Medco Energi – Jakarta
  • PT. ANTAM, Tbk.
  • Unversitas Islam Indonesia (Teknik Informatika)
  • Institut Teknologi Telkom Bandung
  • Politeknik Negeri Malang
  • PT. KPEI
  • DPPKAD Kabupaten Gresik
  • PT. Krakatau Steel

Building Integrated Map Website with PHP MySQL and Google Map API V.3
(Inhouse ICON PLN Jakarta)


Inhouse Training ini membahas tentang bagaimana membuat peta digital interaktif dan dinamis dengan informasi yang koordinat / LatLong yang tersimpan di database lalu ditampilkan secara dinamis menggunakan Google MAP API V.3 , beberapa metode yang dipelajari seperti Single Marker, Multiple Marker, Polyline, Geofence, Geocode, Direction, Single Marker, Multiple marker Custom Marker , Polyline dan lainnya.


Microsoft Excel Advance for Business, Accounting & Management (Bank BJB – 4 Angkatan)


Kegiatan inhouse training dengan Bank BJB sebanyak 4 angkatan dengan total peserta 26 orang membahas pemanfaat excel dengan tingkatan yang lebih tinggi berupa pemanfaatn formula, function baik yang sudah umum ataupun yang tidak umum untuk membuat kemudahaan dalam pengelolaan data buat kebutuhan bisnis, Akuntansi ataupun manajemen.


Building Event Scheduller Application with PHP and SMS Gateway (PLN)


Training ini kembali diikuti oleh klien exclusive group dari PT PLN (PERSERO) UIP TRANSMISI ISJ, training ini membahas cara
membuat aplikasi Event Scheduller dengan PHP, MySQL dan SMS gateway sebagai notification systemnya


Mobile Application development for Android using Jquery Mobile and Phonegap (Bakrie Telecom)


Inhouse Training membahas pemanfaat framework JQM dan phonegap dipadukan dengan PHP Ajax untuk membuat aplikasi berbasis Android dengan mudah


Project Management Methodologies with MS Project (Inhouse Training INALUM Medan)


Inhouse Training Project Management with MS. Project bersama staff dari PT. Indonesia Asahan Alumunium (INALUM) , Training membahas konsep Project Management dan implementasinya ke dalam software MS. Project 2010, termasuk dalam pembahasan adalah Project Management Lifecycle, Cost, Budget dan metodologi seperti PERT, CPM, PDM dan juga Earned Value Concept (SV, CV, CPI, SPI, BCWS, BCWP, ACWP dll.


Excel VBA Macro (Inhouse training PGE Indonesia)


Training Excel VBA Macro Programming bersama staff dari PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy – Jakarta, Training ini membahas pemograman
di Excel untuk melakukan otomatisasi dan pengembangan kinerja excel untuk memenuhi kebutuhan yang lebih kompleks


ITIL v3 Foundation (Exclusive Group)


Training ITIL v.3 Foundation yang diselenggarakan di Hotel Bintang 4 (DeJava Hotel , PVJ Bandung) diikuti oleh 3 peserta dari staff PUSINFOWAS BPKP jakarta
Training ini bertujuan memahami konsep dari pengelolaan IT berbasis layanan (IT Service Management) berdasarkan framework IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) versi 3. Beserta tambahan skenario studi kasusnya dan implementasi menggunakan ITSM software simulation serta simulasi persiapan ujian ITIL


Excel VBA Macro (Exclusive Group)


Training Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Application (VBA – Macro) bersama 7 peserta dari PT. Freeport , Tbk (Exclusive Group) yang terbagi atas 3 gelombang / Periode
Training ini membahas Pengenalan dan pemanfaatan Macro dan pemograman VBA untuk menyempurnakan dan memaksimalkan penggunaan Microsoft Excel lebih diatas penggunaan standard pada umumnya. pengenalan objek Excel dan VBA memanipulasi objek, penggunaan control , active x , array, looping , membuat function merupakan beberapa materi yang diberikan dalam pelatihan ini. Dikarenakan paket exclusive group maka training ini juga khusus membahas kasus khusus PT Freeport untuk diterapkan di bagian planner PT Freeport sesuai kebutuhan pekerjaan.


Building Integrated Map Website with PHP MySQL & Google MAP API V.3


Training Building Integrated Map Website with PHP and Google Map API V.3 diikuti oleh peserta Exclusive Group dari PT PLN (PERSERO) UIP TRANSMISI ISJ
Training ini membahas tentang bagaimana membuat peta digital interaktif dan dinamis dengan informasi yang koordinat / LatLong yang tersimpan di database lalu ditampilkan secara dinamis menggunakan Google MAP API V.3 , beberapa metode yang dipelajari seperti Single Marker, Multiple Marker, Polyline, Geofence, Geocode, Direction, Custom Marker dan lainnya.


Inhouse Training Microsoft Excel VBA Macro


Inhouse Training Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Application (VBA – Macro) bersama 15 peserta dari Ikatan Mahasiswa Teknik Metalurgi ITB Bandung
Training ini membahas Pengenalan dan pemanfaatan Macro dan pemograman VBA untuk menyempurnakan dan memaksimalkan penggunaan Microsoft Excel lebih diatas penggunaan standard pada umumnya. pengenalan objek Excel dan VBA memanipulasi objek, penggunaan control , active x , array, looping , membuat function merupakan beberapa materi yang diberikan dalam pelatihan ini.


Exclusive Group Training Project Management Methodologies with MS. Project 2010 PT.ANTAM

Pelatihan Project Management Methodologies with MS. Project 2010 bersama 6 peserta Exclusive Group dari PT. ANTAM, Tbk. (Aneka Tambang) Sulawesi Tenggara
Training ini membahas konsep Project Management beserta metodologi yang diimplementasikan menggunakan MS. Project , pembahasan teori berupa Konsep CPM, PDM, Earned Value (BCWS, SV, CV, SPI dll) Juga dibahas untuk memberi bekal mendalam perihal Project Management.
disertai pembahasan studi kasus Kurva S

  • Hubungi saya ( Hery Purnama ) di 081.223344.506 , PinBB : 7DC633aa , email : , , , ,
  • Sehubungan jadwal saya yang cukup ketat, mohon maaf jika schedule tidak bisa dikoordinasikan dalam waktu yang sangat sempit.
  • Selama training materi terbagi atas teori, praktek, tutorial dan tips trik
  • Hery 081.223344.506 – Freelance Certified IT Trainer , Excel VBA , Android Phonegap, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D , MS Project, ExtJS, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, MS. Access VBA, Facebook API Developer dll.. Berpengalaman 15 Tahun sebagai Trainer bersertifikasi CIW, OCA, ITILF, MCP, MOS, MCDBA




Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 (From Bandung ) – Trainer/ Pengajar freelance Excel VBA Macro, MS Project, Android Jquery mobile , Phonegap, Google Map API, Google Sketchup 3D , MS Project, Sencha ExtJS, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, MS. Access VBA, RDBMS Concept, PHP , ITIL, Ubuntu server, Ajax JQUERY, Yii Framework, Code Igniter, PHP SMS Gateway, Photoshop, CorelDraw, UML, Facebook API Developer, SEO & Internet Marketing, Excel Advance for accounting, finance, Project Management,,, dll.. Berpengalaman 15 Tahun sebagai Trainer bersertifikasi CIW, OCA, ITILF, MCP, MOS, MCDBA

Pelatihan, Kursus, Privat, Training, Seminar, Inhouse, Workshop , Training di hotel, training di bank, training di pertambangan, training di perminyakan, training di BUMN / BUMD, training pemda/ pemkot ,kuliah umum, kuliah terbuka, dosen luar biasa, training di kampus, training di industri/ pabrik, training di universitas, training di telekomunikasi, training di militer, training di otomotif , freelance certified IT Trainer (Hery 081.223344.506)


·         New post: Inhouse training jambi , freelance trainer by Hery (trainingdijambi)

·         New post: Inhouse training purwakarta , freelance trainer by Hery (trainingdipurwakarta)

·         New post: Inhouse training subang, lembang , freelance trainer by hery (trainingdisubang)

·         New post: Inhouse training cirebon, freelance trainer by hery (trainingdicirebon)

·         New post: Inhouse training banten, freelance trainer by hery (trainingdibanten)

·         New post: Inhouse training bogor, freelance trainer by Hery (trainingdibogor)

·         New post: Inhouse training tangerang, freelance trainer by hery (trainingditangerang)

·         New post: Inhouse Training di karawang bekasi, freelance trainer by Hery (trainingdibekasi)

·         New post: Inhouse training riau, freelance trainer by hery (trainingdiriau)

·         New post: Inhouse Training di Batam, Freelance trainer by hery (trainingdibatam)

·         New post: Inhouse training di ambon maluku, freelance trainer by Hery (trainingdiambon)

·         New post: Freelance Trainer di semarang inhouse training by Hery (trainingdisemarang)

·         New post: kegiatan training di hotel, freelance trainer by hery (trainingdihotelbintang)

·         Updated: Inhouse training di daerah kota, kabupaten, propinsi (trainingdidaerah)

·         New post: training di BUMN/ BUMD, Freelance trainer by Hery (trainingdibumn)

·         New post: Training di kampus, universitas, freelance trainer by Hery (trainingdikampus)

·         New post: training IT di Industri , pabrik, freelance trainer by Hery (trainingdiindustripabrik)

·         New post: Inhouse training pertambangan, freelance trainer by Hery (trainingdipertambangan)

·         New post: Inhouse training Perminyakan , oil gas, freelance trainer by hery (trainingdiperminyakan)

·         New post: Inhouse training bank , Freelance trainer by Hery (trainingdibank)

·         Updated: Training di malaysia, freelance trainer by Hery (trainingdimalaysia)

·         New post: Privat dan kursus komputer by Hery (privatkursuskomputer)

·         New post: Kursus komputer Bandung, Instruktur by Hery (carikursusdibandung)

·         New post: Pelatihan bandung, freelance trainer by Hery (pelatihandibandung)

·         New post: Freelance Trainer Corel, Photoshop, Fireworks, Autocad, Maya, Sketchup (caritrainergrafis)

·         New post: Freelance Trainer Web Programming - Hery (caritrainerwebprogramming)

·         New post: Freelance Trainer database - Hery (caritrainerdatabase)

·         New post: Freelance Trainer Management Topics (caritrainermanagement)

·         New post: Freelance Trainer SEO Internet Marketing - Hery (caritrainerseointernetmarketing)

·         New post: Freelance Trainer MS Office (caritrainermicrosoftoffice)

·         New post: Freelance Trainer ITIL Foundation - Hery (caritraineritil)

·         New post: Freelance Trainer PHP Ajax Jquery - Hery (caritrainerphpajaxjquery)

·         Updated: Freelance Trainer ExtJS - Hery (caritrainersenchaextjs)

·         New post: Freelance Trainer Google Sketchup 3D , Vray - Hery (caritrainergooglesketchup)

·         New post: Freelance Trainer SQL Server DBA - Hery (caritrainersqlserver)

·         New post: Freelance Trainer Oracle DBA - Hery (caritraineroracledba)