Friday, February 27, 2015

Membuat wifi hotspot menggunakan laptop Anda - Create Hotspot using laptop

Create hotspot wifi using your personal laptop (windows 7)

Pada beberapa kondisi Anda ingin membagi koneksi internet yang ada di laptop anda yang terhubung dengan usb modem kepada teman teman Anda, dengan kata lain wifi  laptop anda akan berperan sebagai virtual router untuk dijadikan hotspot.

Yang saya maksud adalah :
> Koneksi yang anda bagi termasuk untuk device lain selain laptop , seperti smartphone atau tablet
> Bukan dengan metode wireless adhoc karena adhoc tidak bisa membagi jaringan ke selain laptop / komputer
> Bukan cara gampang dengan mentatering smartphone karena koneksi yang dibagi berasal dari USB modem laptop Anda
> Dari Smartphone tidak perlu setting static IP 192.168.137..... seperti informasi di internet
>Tanpa menggunakan software pihak ke3 seperti mhotspot, connectify, virtual router yang kadang tergantung dengan Service Pack Anda juga

Cara ini murni berasal dari windows 7 Anda !!

Jika anda menggunakan windows 8 caranya sangat mudah karena anda cukup mengubah setting adapter koneksi internet Anda dan membaginya (Shared)

Yang perlu dihindari saat akan melakukan setup dan konfigurasi adalah
1. Jangan dahulu melakukan shared adapter koneksi internet Anda
2. Tidak perlu mematikan sistem windows firewall Anda

Berikut tahapan membuat hostpot di laptop Anda

1. Internet Anda connect atau belum conect tidak masalah, namun pastikan dahulu service ICS dalam kondisi  Automatically bukan manual
2. Masuk command prompt (cmd) sebagai Administrator
3. Cek Status Wlan Driver Anda , ketik C:\>netsh wlan show driver
    pastikan status "Hosted Network Supported : Yes"
4. lanjutkan dengan perintah perintah berikut :
    netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow   <---- mengaktifkan mode hosted
    netsh wlan set hostednetwork ssid=hotguwe <---contoh nama hotspot anda nanti
    netsh wlan set hostednetwork key=hot12345678 <-- password hotspot mode wpa
    netsh wlan start hostednetwork   <-- menjalankan service hotspot anda
    netsh wlan show hostednetwork  <-- mengecek status hotspot anda

7. Sekarang buka "Network and sharing Center" --> Change Adapter Setting --> Pilih Adapter Internet Anda dan ubah properti Sharing dengan mengaktifkan semua checkbox di bagian "Internet Connection Sharing" , lakukan perubahan juga pada "setting" lainnya dengan mengaktifkan https dan http (tergantung izin akses yang anda ingin berikan), saat anda menekan OK anda akan diminta memilih "Private Network" yang akan menerima sharing, pastikan anda memilih wireless connection dengan nama ssid yang anda telah buat (hotguwe)
8. Setelah tahap sharing selesai  perhatikan pada tampilan adapter adapter yang muncul akan ada tambahan (wireless connection adapter) dengan nama "hotguwe"
9. Kembali ke Cmd  jalankan perintah : netsh wlan stop hostednetwork  <-- mematikan hotspot , lallu jalankan kembali dengan perintah : netsh wlan start hostednetwork
10. Selesai , sekarang coba cek android / smartphone anda , 1 buah koneksi wifi baru dengan nama hotguwe sudah muncul dan anda bisa mencoba masuk dengan key yang anda buat sebelumnya
11. untuk mengecek berapa koneksi yang sudah terhubung ke hotspot laptop anda gunakan perintah : netsh wlan show hostednetwork , lalu lihat status "number of clients "

Terima kasih semoga bermanfaat

English translation

In some cases you want to share the internet connection in your laptop connected to the USB modem to your friend's friends, in other words your laptop wifi will act as a virtual router to be used as a hotspot.
What I mean is:
> Sharing not only for other laptop, but it is for other device also such as a smartphone or tablet
> Not using wireless adhoc method for because adhoc networks can not be shared to smartphone
> From Smartphones do not need to set a static IP 192 168 137 ..... as information on the internet
> Without using 3rd party software like mhotspot, Connectify, a virtual router that sometimes depends on the Service Pack you also
This method is purely derived from windows 7 you !!

If you are using windows 8 is very easy because you can just change the adapter settings and share your internet connection (Shared)

Which should be avoided when making the setup and configuration is
1. Do not practicing shared your internet connection adapter
2. No need to turn off your firewall windows system

The following stages make hostpot on your laptop

1. you should verify that the ICS service in conditions not manually Automatically
2. Enter the command prompt (cmd) as Administrator
3. Check the status of your Wlan Driver, type C: \> netsh wlan show drivers
verify the status of "Hosted Network Supported: Yes"
4. proceed with the following commands:
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow <---- activate hosted mode
netsh wlan set hostednetwork ssid = hotguwe <--- example hotspot name you later
netsh wlan set hostednetwork key = hot12345678 <- password wpa fashion hotspot
netsh wlan start hostednetwork <- run your hotspot service
netsh wlan show hostednetwork <- check the status of your hotspot
7. Now open the "Network and Sharing Center" -> Change Adapter Settings -> Select Adapter and change the properties of your Internet Sharing to activate all checkboxes in the "Internet Connection Sharing", do also change the "settings" to activate https other and http (depending on the access permissions that you want to give), when you press OK you will be asked to select the "Private Network" which will receive a share, make sure you choose a wireless connection with ssid name that you have created (hotguwe)
8. After sharing the stage of completion notice on the display adapter adapter that appears to have additional (wireless connection adapter) with the name "hotguwe"
9. Back to Cmd run the command: netsh wlan stop hostednetwork <- turn off the hotspot, lallu rerun the command: netsh wlan start hostednetwork
10. Done, now try to check the android / your smartphone, 1 piece new wifi connection with hotguwe name already appears and you can try to get in with the key that you created earlier
11. to check how many connections are already connected to your laptop hotspot use the command: netsh wlan show hostednetwork, and see the status of "number of clients"

Thank you hopefully useful

by :
Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 , IT trainer , Excel / access VBA Macro, MS Project, Primavera,
PHP Ajax Jquery, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D, Ubuntu, Sencha ExtJS, YII, Code Igniter,
Oracle, SQL Server,
Bandung, Jakarta, Bali, Medan, Surabaya, Yogya, Indonesia

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