Thursday, March 19, 2015

Inhouse training codeigniter with sql server

Terima kasih kepada manajemen dan staff IT departemen dari PT Wavin Duta Jaya Cibitung bekasi atas undangan mengajar selama 4 hari dengan topik PHP codeigniter yang diintegrasikan dengan SQL Server 2008, semoga bermanfaat

Hery Purnama
Freelance, inhouse , certified IT trainer

Jquery (javascript) CRUD using Jeasy UI and CodeIgniter - Part 1

Jquery Script using Jeasyui Grid to send using to Codeigniter

<script type="text/javascript">
var url;
function create(){
    jQuery('#dialog-form').dialog('open').dialog('setTitle','Tambah Pegawai');
    url = '<?php echo site_url('wavin/createjson'); ?>';
function update(){
    var row = jQuery('#datagrid-crud').datagrid('getSelected');
        jQuery('#dialog-form').dialog('open').dialog('setTitle','Edit Pegawai');
        url = '<?php echo site_url('wavin/updatejson'); ?>/' +;
function save(){
        url: '<?php echo site_url('wavin/createjson'); ?>',
        onSubmit: function(){
            return jQuery(this).form('validate');
        success: function(result){
            var result = eval('('+result+')');
            } else {
                    title: 'Error save Pegawai',
                    msg: result.msg
function remove(){
    var row = jQuery('#datagrid-crud').datagrid('getSelected');
    if (row){
        jQuery.messager.confirm('Confirm','Yakin hapus Pegawai tersebut?',function(r){
            if (r){
      '<?php echo site_url('mavin/deletejson'); ?>',{},function(result){
                    if (result.success){
                    } else {
                            title: 'Error',
                            msg: result.msg

Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 , IT trainer , Excel / access VBA Macro, MS Project, Primavera,
PHP Ajax Jquery, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D, Ubuntu, Sencha ExtJS, YII, Code Igniter,
Oracle, SQL Server,
Bandung, Jakarta, Bali, Medan, Surabaya, Yogya, Indonesia

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

CodeIgniter SQL Server Pagination - Solved

After few days try and error, finally i found the solution for Pagination in CodeIgniter using SQL Server

My Model <?php

class Mwavin extends CI_Model {

     * sample
    function semuadata($no_page){
        $perpage = 5; // value $perpage sama dengan yg di $config['per_page']
        if($no_page == 1){
            $first = 1;
            $last  = $perpage;
            $first = ($no_page - 1) * $perpage + 1;
            $last  = $first + ($perpage -1);
        return $this->db->query("WITH CTE AS (
                                        SELECT  a.*, b.namadept,
                                                ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY a.idpegawai desc) as RowNumber
                                        FROM tbpegawai a left join tbdept b on a.iddept = b.iddept
                                SELECT * FROM CTE WHERE RowNumber BETWEEN $first AND $last")->result_array(); 

function paging($url, $rows = 10, $uri = 3){
 $config['per_page']   = 5;
 $config['base_url']   = site_url($url);
 $config['total_rows']   = $rows;
 $config['use_page_numbers'] = TRUE;
 $config['uri_segment']   = $uri;
 $config['num_links']   = 3;
 $config['next_link']   = 'Berikutnya';
 $config['prev_link']   = 'Sebelumnya';

 return $this->pagination->create_links();

function totaldata(){
 $query = $this->db->query("SELECT count(*) as row FROM tbpegawai left join tbdept on tbpegawai.iddept = tbdept.iddept")->row_array();
 return $query['row'];
My Controller<?php
if (!defined('BASEPATH'))
    exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Wavin extends CI_Controller {


    public function __construct() {
        //load helper jika tidak di set di config
       // $this->load->helper('url','form','html');

function index($no_page = 1){
     $data['page'] = $this->mwavin->paging("wavin/index",$this->mwavin->totaldata(), 3);
     $data['baris'] = $this->mwavin->semuadata($no_page);
     $data['no_page'] = $no_page;
     $this->load->view('home', $data);     

i'm using additional Jquery plugin JeasyUi for my template
<!DOCTYPE html>

        <title>Sample Sql Server Codeigniter</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>jeasyui/themes/default/easyui.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>jeasyui/themes/icon.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>jeasyui/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>jeasyui/jquery.easyui.min.js"></script>

        <div class="easyui-panel" title="DATA PEGAWAI" style="width: 1300px;height: 700px;padding:10px" >
        <div> <h1>DATA PEGAWAI WAVIN</h1></div>
            <a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>">HOME </a>|
            <?php echo anchor('wavin/fntambahpeg','TAMBAH'); ?> | LOGOUT
            <div >
         <?php echo $page; ?>
          Halaman <?php echo $no_page; ?>
        <table class="easyui-datagrid" title="PT Wavin"  >
            <thead id="headtable">
                    <th data-options="field:'idpegawai'">ID PEGAWAI </th>
                    <th data-options="field:'nama'" sortable="true">NAMA </th>
                    <th data-options="field:'kota'">KOTA </th>
                    <th data-options="field:'tgllahir'">TGL LAHIR </th>
                    <th data-options="field:'email'">EMAIL </th>
                    <th data-options="field:'gaji'">GAJI </th>
                    <th data-options="field:'foto'">FOTO </th>
                    <th data-options="field:'status'">STATUS </th>
                    <th data-options="field:'detail'">DETAIL PEGAWAI </th>
                    <th data-options="field:'namadept'">NAMA DEPARTEMEN </th>
                    <th data-options="field:'jabatan'">JABATAN </th>
                    <th data-options="field:' '" > Admin </th>
            <tbody id="datatable">
                <?php foreach($baris as $row){ ?>
                <tr style="vertical-align: top">
                    <td > <?php echo $row['idpegawai']; ?> </td>
                    <td > <?php echo $row['nama']; ?> </td>
                    <td> <?php echo $row['kota']; ?> </td>
                    <td > <?php echo $row['tgllahir']; ?> </td>
                    <td > <?php echo $row['email']; ?> </td>
                    <td > <?php echo $row['gaji']; ?> </td>
                    <td > <?php echo $row['foto']; ?> </td>
                    <td > <?php echo $row['status']; ?> </td>
                    <td > <?php echo $row['detail']; ?> </td>
                    <td > <?php echo $row['namadept']; ?> </td>
                    <td > <?php echo $row['jabatan']; ?> </td>
                    <td> Edit | Del | <?php echo anchor('wavin/detail/'.$row['idpegawai'],'Detail',array('class'=>'easyui-linkbutton')); ?> </td>
                <?php } ?>



Hope can help you guys , thanks

By Freelance Inhouse Trainer
Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 , IT trainer , Excel / access VBA Macro, MS Project, Primavera,
PHP Ajax Jquery, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D, Ubuntu, Sencha ExtJS, YII, Code Igniter,
Oracle, SQL Server

Monday, March 16, 2015

Add SQL Server Jar Driver in Netbeans Service

How add SQL Server 2012 driver to Netbeans 8?

Go to Services window in Netbeans. List Drivers node. If on the list it isn't SQL JDBC driver you must download it.
Go to  website.
u02Click the Download button. Then click the exe file.
u04I download this file into jdbc folder.
Then you must any zip program unzip this file. Click the Browser button.
Set path for jdbc files. I set D isc.
Click the Unzip button. You see jdbc4.jar file in sqljdbc_4.0/enu folder.
Close unzip program, clicking the Close button.
u09In this step you may go to Services window. Right click the Drivers node and choose New Driver.
u10You see empty New JDBC Driver. Click the Add button.
u11Select downloading sqljdbc4.jar driver.
u12Click the Open button. In Name field write Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and click the OK button.
u13On the list of drivers you see SQL Server driver.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Inhouse Training mobile application development for Android - KRA Balikpapan

Terima kasih kepada staff IT dan Manajemen PT. Komatsu Remanufactoring Asia -Balikpapan Kaltim atas undangan mengajar topik Android Development yang berlangsung selama 4 hari, semoga bermanfaat.

Hery Purnama - Freelance Inhouse Trainer

Connect CodeIgniter to SQL Server using sqlsrv driver

1.       Wamp Server 2.0 with PHP 5.2
2.       CodeIgniter 2.1/2.2
3.       SQL Server 2005/2008
Download First
1.       Download sqlsrv dll driver SQLsrv20.exe (download here)
2.       Download SQL Native Client 2008 (Native Client 10) which is compatible for SQL Server 2005/2008 (download here)

How to connect CodeIgniter to SQL Server 2005 using SQLsrv driver
1.       Install / Upgrade your SQL Native Client to 2008 SP3 (Native Client 10), then restart your computer
2.       Stop your Wamp Server to copy dll file
3.       Install or extract  sqlsrv dll files , you don’t have to copy all of the files , choose the files that have same version with your installed PHP version, in this case I will copy
php _sqlsrv_52_ts_vc6.dll

Then I’ll copy the files into  :
4.       Next , I will edit php.ini , the location of the file is in ..\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.8\binand adding these lines in extension configuration section :
5.       Start the wamp service
6.       Create test.php(not codeigniter file) the file will be used to test the connection (it’s common native PHP Script )
Adjust with your own host/database/user/password setting in SQL Server

$serverName = "SISINDOTEK\PRIMAVERA"; //serverName\instanceName
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"cisqldb", "UID"=>"sa", "PWD"=>"sa");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);

if( $conn ) {
     echo "Connection established.<br />";
     echo "Connection could not be established.<br />";
     die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

7.  If the Connection established.  You may try to setup your codeigniter database configuration file (database.php) in 
8.       Change the configuration such as mention bellowed (Use your own configuration !)
9.       Don’t forget to change the value of  $db['default']['pconnect'] = FALSE;

$active_group = 'default';
$active_record = TRUE;

$db['default']['hostname'] = 'SISINDOTEK\PRIMAVERA';
$db['default']['username'] = 'sa';
$db['default']['password'] = 'sa';
$db['default']['database'] = 'cisqldb';
$db['default']['dbdriver'] = 'sqlsrv';
$db['default']['dbprefix'] = '';
$db['default']['pconnect'] = FALSE;
$db['default']['db_debug'] = TRUE;
$db['default']['cache_on'] = FALSE;
$db['default']['cachedir'] = '';
$db['default']['char_set'] = 'utf8';
$db['default']['dbcollat'] = 'utf8_general_ci';
$db['default']['swap_pre'] = '';
$db['default']['autoinit'] = TRUE;
$db['default']['stricton'] = FALSE;

Save the file and now you may try to run your codeigniter web that connected to SQL Server by using sqlsrv dll driver

I Hope that can help you guys !, (

By :

Freelance Inhouse Trainer

Monday, March 9, 2015

Codeigniter code snippets for netbeans IDE 8.0 php

Cara menampilkan code snipets Code Igniter 2.0 di Netbeans IDE for PHP
1. Buat file baru dan letakkan di luar folder project web anda , sebagai contoh anda bisa meletakkan di folder D:\master \ci2_autocomplete.php (Nama file bisa bebas)

2. Copy paste script php berikut ke dalam file tersebut

<? Php
    / **
    *property CI_DB_active_record $ db
    *property CI_DB_forge $ dbForge
    *property CI_Benchmark $ benchmarks
    *property CI_Calendar $ calendar
    *property CI_Cart $ cart
    *property CI_Config $ config
    *property CI_Controller $ controller
    *property CI_Email $ email
    *property CI_Encrypt $ encrypt
    *property CI_Exceptions $ exceptions
    *property CI_Form_validation $ form_validation
    *property CI_Ftp $ ftp
    *property CI_Hooks $ hooks
    *property CI_Image_lib $ image_lib
    *property CI_Input $ input
    *property CI_Language $ language
    *property CI_Loader $ load
    *property CI_Log $ log
    *property CI_Model $ models
    *property CI_Output $ output
    *property CI_Pagination $ pagination
    *property CI_Parser $ parser
    *property CI_Profiler $ profiler
    *property CI_Router $ router
    *property CI_Session $ session
    *property CI_Sha1 $ sha1
    *property CI_Table $ table
    *property CI_Trackback $ trackback
    *property CI_Typography $ typography
    *property CI_Unit_test $ unit_test
    *property CI_Upload $ uploaded
    *property CI_URI $ uri
    *property CI_User_agent $ User_Agent
    *property CI_Validation $ validation
    *property CI_Xmlrpc $ XMLRPC
    *property CI_Xmlrpcs $ xmlrpcs
    *property CI_Zip $ zip
    * /

    CI_Controller class {};

    / **
    *property CI_DB_active_record $ db
    *property CI_DB_forge $ dbForge
    *property CI_Config $ config
    *property CI_Loader $ load
    *property CI_Session $ session
    * /

    CI_Model class {};


3.  Buka software Netbeans PHP , masuk ke menu TOOLS -> OPTIONS ->PHP -> GLOBAL INCLUDE PATH -> Browse file ci2_autocomplete.php yang telah anda buat

4. Tutup Netbeans PHP Anda

5. Buka kembali netbeans dan selanjutnya project Code Igniter anda sudah memiliki code snippets lengkap saat anda mengetikkan kode program Anda

Terima kasih

Oleh :
Freelance Inhouse Trainer
Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 , IT trainer , Excel / access VBA Macro, MS Project, Primavera,
PHP Ajax Jquery, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D, Ubuntu, Sencha ExtJS, YII, Code Igniter,
Oracle, SQL Server, Android Phonegap, Sencha ExtJS Trainer

English TranslationHow to display code snipets Code Igniter 2.0 in NetBeans IDE for PHP
1. Create a new file and place it outside the folder of your web project, for example, you can put in the folder D: \ master \ ci2_autocomplete.php (you may use any name for the file)

2. Copy and paste the following php script into the file

<? Php
    / **
    *property CI_DB_active_record $ db
    *property CI_DB_forge $ dbForge
    *property CI_Benchmark $ benchmarks
    *property CI_Calendar $ calendar
    *property CI_Cart $ cart
    *property CI_Config $ config
    *property CI_Controller $ controller
    *property CI_Email $ email
    *property CI_Encrypt $ encrypt
    *property CI_Exceptions $ exceptions
    *property CI_Form_validation $ form_validation
    *property CI_Ftp $ ftp
    *property CI_Hooks $ hooks
    *property CI_Image_lib $ image_lib
    *property CI_Input $ input
    *property CI_Language $ language
    *property CI_Loader $ load
    *property CI_Log $ log
    *property CI_Model $ models
    *property CI_Output $ output
    *property CI_Pagination $ pagination
    *property CI_Parser $ parser
    *property CI_Profiler $ profiler
    *property CI_Router $ router
    *property CI_Session $ session
    *property CI_Sha1 $ sha1
    *property CI_Table $ table
    *property CI_Trackback $ trackback
    *property CI_Typography $ typography
    *property CI_Unit_test $ unit_test
    *property CI_Upload $ uploaded
    *property CI_URI $ uri
    *property CI_User_agent $ User_Agent
    *property CI_Validation $ validation
    *property CI_Xmlrpc $ XMLRPC
    *property CI_Xmlrpcs $ xmlrpcs
    *property CI_Zip $ zip
    * /

    CI_Controller class {};

    / **
    *property CI_DB_active_record $ db
    *property CI_DB_forge $ dbForge
    *property CI_Config $ config
    *property CI_Loader $ load
    *property CI_Session $ session
    * /

    CI_Model class {};


3. Open the Netbeans PHP software, go to the menu TOOLS -> OPTIONS -> PHP -> GLOBAL PATH INCLUDE -> Browse > ci2_autocomplete.php , the file that you created

4. Close your PHP Netbeans software
5. Open the software and now your code snippets will show up everytime you write your CI class methode code

Thank you,

By Freelance Inhouse Trainer
Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 , IT trainer , Excel / access VBA Macro, MS Project, Primavera,
PHP Ajax Jquery, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D, Ubuntu, Sencha ExtJS, YII, Code Igniter,
Oracle, SQL Server

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Inhouse Trainer

Hery 081.223344.506 - Freelance Certified IT Trainer , Excel VBA Macro , Android Phonegap, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D , MS Project, PHP Yii, Code Igniter, ExtJS, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, MS. Access VBA, Primavera, MS Project, Berpengalaman 15 Tahun sebagai Trainer bersertifikasi CIW, OCA, ITILF, MCDBA, MOS , Visit :

Cari Freelance Trainer, Inhouse Trainer, Certified IT Trainer,
Jakarta, Bandung, Yogya, Subang, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatera ,
Excel VBA Macro , Android Phonegap, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D , MS Project, PHP Yii, Code Igniter, ExtJS, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, MS. Access VBA, Primavera, MS Project,

Call/ SMS/ Whatsapp : 081.223344.506  (Hery Purnama)
pinBB 7DC633AA

Trainer Excel VBA Macro, MS Project, Android, ExtJS, Primavera P6, Oracle, Sketchup, Google Map API

Hery 081.223344.506 - Freelance Certified IT Trainer , Excel VBA Macro , Android Phonegap, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D , MS Project, ExtJS, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, MS. Access VBA, Primavera, MS Project, Berpengalaman 15 Tahun sebagai Trainer bersertifikasi CIW, OCA, ITILF, MCDBA, MOS , Visit :

Call/ SMS/ Whatsapp : 081.223344.506
pinBB 7DC633AA

Freelance Trainer , Pengajar Komputer 081.223344.506 , Certified Trainer

Hery 081.223344.506 - Freelance Certified IT Trainer , Excel VBA Macro , Android Phonegap, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D , MS Project, ExtJS, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, MS. Access VBA, Primavera, MS Project, Berpengalaman 15 Tahun sebagai Trainer bersertifikasi CIW, OCA, ITILF, MCDBA, MOS , Visit :

Freelance Inhouse Trainer, Professional Trainer, Certified Trainer
Bandung, Jakarta, Bali , Yogya, Subang, Kalimantan, Sulawesi

Hery Purnama (081.223344.506)

Application Programming :
Excel VBA macro , MS. Access VBA Programming, Visual Foxpro , VB/ ASP.Net

Project Management and Methodology with :
- Microsoft Project 2010/2013
- Primavera P6

Graphical :
Google Sketchup 3D with Vray Effect, Photoshop/Fireworks ,Director, CorelDraw, Swimax/ Flash

Web Development :
PHP - Google Map API V.3
PHP - Sencha ExtJS
PHP - Ajax Jquery
PHP CodeIgniter Framework with MySQL/ SQL Server
PHP Yii Framework
Cake PHP

Database :
Oracle DBA (10/11g)
SQL Server DBA (2008/2012)

Networking :
UBUNTU Server (Admin & Configuration)
Windows Server 2008  (Admin & Configuration)

For inquiry Contact / Call

Hery 081.223344.506 - Freelance Certified IT Trainer , Excel VBA Macro , Android Phonegap, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D , MS Project, ExtJS, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, MS. Access VBA, Primavera, MS Project, Berpengalaman 15 Tahun sebagai Trainer bersertifikasi CIW, OCA, ITILF, MCDBA, MOS , Visit :

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Microsoft fix it Uninstaller

Microsoft fix it is a free software from microsoft to fixing problem during uninstalling software from your computer , download here

informed by :
Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 , IT trainer , Excel / access VBA Macro, MS Project, Primavera,
PHP Ajax Jquery, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D, Ubuntu, Sencha ExtJS, YII, Code Igniter,
Oracle, SQL Server,

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Open workbooks Excel from MS Access VBA, Solution for Runtime error 1004

How to open Excel workbooks file using VBA from MS access

Function bukaExcel()

    Dim xlKu As Object
    FullPath = CurrentProject.Path & "\BIF_INVOICE.xlsm"
     Set xlKu = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    With xlKu
        .Application.Visible = True
        .Workbooks.Open (FullPath)
    End With

End Function

Notes :

If you found error 1004 , Methode Open workbooks failed , it is because your excel file contain Macro / VBA script or perhaps ODBC data connection , what you need to do is from MS. excel file go to  Options --> Trust Center and give permission to run macro script

by :
Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 , IT trainer , Excel / access VBA Macro, MS Project, Primavera,
PHP Ajax Jquery, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D, Ubuntu, Sencha ExtJS, YII, Code Igniter,
Oracle, SQL Server,

How to Setup Aptana / Eclipse for ExtJS application Development

ExtJS codehint setup in aptana or eclipse, just follow the steps :

Setup Aptana Studio/Eclipse for ExtJS Development:

Aptana is powerful open source web development IDE. Please download and install Aptana Studio 3.

Now, you need to install Spket IDE plugin from Spket is powerful toolkit for JavaScript and XML development. It enables autocomplete feature for ExtJS 4 once you install and configure Spket IDE plugin in Aptana or Eclipse.

Install Spket plugin in Aptana or Eclipse:

  1. Open Aptana/Eclipse.
  2. Go to Help menu -> 'Install New Software..'
  3. It will open following popup window as below:

    Install spket plugin in aptana
  4. Click 'Add' and enter name 'Spket' and Location ''.

    app repository in aptana
  5. Click OK.
  6. Select all the packages under Spket IDE:

    select spket IDE package
  7. Click 'Next'.
  8. Accept the License Agreement.
  9. Click 'Finish'.

    Start installation
  10. This will download and install Spket IDE plugin in Aptana/Eclipse.
  11. After installation -> restart Aptana/Eclipse.

Now, you need to configure Spket plugin. But before you do that, download JCB for ExtJS 4.2.1. Open in browser and save as ext- in the root directory of ExtJS SDK/library.

Follow below steps to configure Spket plugin in Aptana/Eclipse in windows platform:

  1. Start Apatana or Eclipse.
  2. Go to Windows menu -> Preference.
  3. Expand Spket -> select Javascript Profiles.

    set spket javascript profile
  4. Click 'New..'
  5. Enter Name as ExtJS and click OK.

    set profile name
  6. Now, select ExtJS profiles and click 'Add Library'.
  7. Select ExtJS from drowdown and click 'OK'.

    select EXTJS library
  8. Now, select ExtJS child node and click 'Add File'.

    add file
  9. Now, select jcb2 file from ExtJS library folders where you copied earlier.

    select jcb2 file
    configure profile
  10. Now, set ExtJS profile as Default profile by clicking on Default button.
  11. Click OK and restart Aptana or Eclipse.

Now, create new project and JavaScript file and press Ctrl + Space, it will show you autocomplete with help like below:

autocomplete for extjs4 classes in aptana

So this way you can get autocomplete feature in Aptana or Eclipse.

JavaScript Syntax errors and warnings:

Aptana or Eclipse comes with JSLint and JavaScript Syntax validators. However, JSLint validator is disable by default. To enable it,

  1. Go to Windows -> preference.
  2. Expand Aptana Studio node.
  3. Select Validation. There you will see JSLint Validator:

    enable JSLint validator in aptana
  4. Select JSLint validator and click OK.

So now you will get JavaScript errors and warning of your project in Problems window. However, you need to exclude extjs sdk folder because JSLint shows errors and warning for many sdk JS files.

To exclude it, right click on sdk folder in project explorer -> select Properties -> select Resource Filter under Resource node and click 'Add':

setup apatana

Select Exclude All, Files and Folders, All Children and enter * as below:

setup aptana

So now, you only get errors and warning for your JavaScript files only.

Format JavaScript code:

Aptana comes with default code formatter for JavaScript. Press Ctrl + Shift + F to format JavaScript code in Aptana.

So this way you can setup development environment using Aptana or Eclipse IDE in Windows platform.

Original Source :

Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 , IT trainer , Excel / access VBA Macro, MS Project, Primavera,
PHP Ajax Jquery, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D, Ubuntu, Sencha ExtJS, YII, Code Igniter,
Oracle, SQL Server,
Bandung, Jakarta, Bali, Medan, Surabaya, Yogya, Indonesia

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Ctrl Alt Del in Team Viewer

After connecting, In Team viewer use ACTIONS menu and go to Ctrl Alt Del to send this command to team viewer