Monday, March 9, 2015

Codeigniter code snippets for netbeans IDE 8.0 php

Cara menampilkan code snipets Code Igniter 2.0 di Netbeans IDE for PHP
1. Buat file baru dan letakkan di luar folder project web anda , sebagai contoh anda bisa meletakkan di folder D:\master \ci2_autocomplete.php (Nama file bisa bebas)

2. Copy paste script php berikut ke dalam file tersebut

<? Php
    / **
    *property CI_DB_active_record $ db
    *property CI_DB_forge $ dbForge
    *property CI_Benchmark $ benchmarks
    *property CI_Calendar $ calendar
    *property CI_Cart $ cart
    *property CI_Config $ config
    *property CI_Controller $ controller
    *property CI_Email $ email
    *property CI_Encrypt $ encrypt
    *property CI_Exceptions $ exceptions
    *property CI_Form_validation $ form_validation
    *property CI_Ftp $ ftp
    *property CI_Hooks $ hooks
    *property CI_Image_lib $ image_lib
    *property CI_Input $ input
    *property CI_Language $ language
    *property CI_Loader $ load
    *property CI_Log $ log
    *property CI_Model $ models
    *property CI_Output $ output
    *property CI_Pagination $ pagination
    *property CI_Parser $ parser
    *property CI_Profiler $ profiler
    *property CI_Router $ router
    *property CI_Session $ session
    *property CI_Sha1 $ sha1
    *property CI_Table $ table
    *property CI_Trackback $ trackback
    *property CI_Typography $ typography
    *property CI_Unit_test $ unit_test
    *property CI_Upload $ uploaded
    *property CI_URI $ uri
    *property CI_User_agent $ User_Agent
    *property CI_Validation $ validation
    *property CI_Xmlrpc $ XMLRPC
    *property CI_Xmlrpcs $ xmlrpcs
    *property CI_Zip $ zip
    * /

    CI_Controller class {};

    / **
    *property CI_DB_active_record $ db
    *property CI_DB_forge $ dbForge
    *property CI_Config $ config
    *property CI_Loader $ load
    *property CI_Session $ session
    * /

    CI_Model class {};


3.  Buka software Netbeans PHP , masuk ke menu TOOLS -> OPTIONS ->PHP -> GLOBAL INCLUDE PATH -> Browse file ci2_autocomplete.php yang telah anda buat

4. Tutup Netbeans PHP Anda

5. Buka kembali netbeans dan selanjutnya project Code Igniter anda sudah memiliki code snippets lengkap saat anda mengetikkan kode program Anda

Terima kasih

Oleh :
Freelance Inhouse Trainer
Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 , IT trainer , Excel / access VBA Macro, MS Project, Primavera,
PHP Ajax Jquery, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D, Ubuntu, Sencha ExtJS, YII, Code Igniter,
Oracle, SQL Server, Android Phonegap, Sencha ExtJS Trainer

English TranslationHow to display code snipets Code Igniter 2.0 in NetBeans IDE for PHP
1. Create a new file and place it outside the folder of your web project, for example, you can put in the folder D: \ master \ ci2_autocomplete.php (you may use any name for the file)

2. Copy and paste the following php script into the file

<? Php
    / **
    *property CI_DB_active_record $ db
    *property CI_DB_forge $ dbForge
    *property CI_Benchmark $ benchmarks
    *property CI_Calendar $ calendar
    *property CI_Cart $ cart
    *property CI_Config $ config
    *property CI_Controller $ controller
    *property CI_Email $ email
    *property CI_Encrypt $ encrypt
    *property CI_Exceptions $ exceptions
    *property CI_Form_validation $ form_validation
    *property CI_Ftp $ ftp
    *property CI_Hooks $ hooks
    *property CI_Image_lib $ image_lib
    *property CI_Input $ input
    *property CI_Language $ language
    *property CI_Loader $ load
    *property CI_Log $ log
    *property CI_Model $ models
    *property CI_Output $ output
    *property CI_Pagination $ pagination
    *property CI_Parser $ parser
    *property CI_Profiler $ profiler
    *property CI_Router $ router
    *property CI_Session $ session
    *property CI_Sha1 $ sha1
    *property CI_Table $ table
    *property CI_Trackback $ trackback
    *property CI_Typography $ typography
    *property CI_Unit_test $ unit_test
    *property CI_Upload $ uploaded
    *property CI_URI $ uri
    *property CI_User_agent $ User_Agent
    *property CI_Validation $ validation
    *property CI_Xmlrpc $ XMLRPC
    *property CI_Xmlrpcs $ xmlrpcs
    *property CI_Zip $ zip
    * /

    CI_Controller class {};

    / **
    *property CI_DB_active_record $ db
    *property CI_DB_forge $ dbForge
    *property CI_Config $ config
    *property CI_Loader $ load
    *property CI_Session $ session
    * /

    CI_Model class {};


3. Open the Netbeans PHP software, go to the menu TOOLS -> OPTIONS -> PHP -> GLOBAL PATH INCLUDE -> Browse > ci2_autocomplete.php , the file that you created

4. Close your PHP Netbeans software
5. Open the software and now your code snippets will show up everytime you write your CI class methode code

Thank you,

By Freelance Inhouse Trainer
Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 , IT trainer , Excel / access VBA Macro, MS Project, Primavera,
PHP Ajax Jquery, Google Map API, Google Sketchup3D, Ubuntu, Sencha ExtJS, YII, Code Igniter,
Oracle, SQL Server

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