Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Sencha ExtJS 5 , using Sencha Cmd in Wamp directory

Sencha ExtJS 5 is very powerfull javascript framework , you can start to build your first application by using scafolding feature.  what you need to do is download sencha cmd 5 for windows.

In this case i am using Wamp Server , so the folder should be generated in wamp\www after i run the command

1. Download sencha extjs 5.0.1 gpl
2. Extract the zip file in any location for example i will extract it in D:\
3. Install the Sencha Cmd 5 , by default it will be installed in C:\users\administrator\bin\sencha
4. Go to start --> Cmd (to open your windows command prompt)
5. use this command bellowed

C:\Users\Administrator>sencha -sdk d:ext-5 generate app Aplikasiku d:\wamp\www\ext5-aplikasiku

aplikasiku is your scaffolding application name , ext5-applikasiku is your web application folder

the process will be looked like this ...

Sencha Cmd v5.1.2.52
[INF] Processing Build Descriptor : default
[INF] Loading app json manifest...
[INF] Appending content to d:\wamp\www\
[INF] Writing content to d:\wamp\www\

That's it, your startup application is ready to access by using your localhost path address


Hery Purnama
Freelance IT Trainer

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