Wednesday, June 6, 2018 Live Traffice finally Retired

Setelah sekian lama memberikan manfaat kepada jutaan website di dunia sebagai penyedia gratis layanan web live traffic , akhirnya pensiuan alias tutup alias retired , saat ini ketika Anda mencoba mengakses website Anda akan menemukan pesan seperti berikut :

Feedjit is unfortunately no longer available. The service was run as a hobby site for many years. Due to emerging cyber risks and regulatory requirements, it is not possible to continue to operate Feedjit as a not-for-profit fun service without incurring significant costs.

For this reason we are regrettably shutting down the service. 

Both Kerry and I hope you enjoyed Feedjit for the many years that it was running. If you are looking for a way to view your website traffic in real-time, I recommend you install Google Analytics and check out the real-time view.


Terima kasih atas service mu  yang selama bertahun tahun ada di website kami dan sangat membantu kami menganalisa visitor web kami dengan cepat


Hery Purnama

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