Thursday, June 27, 2019

Freelance Trainer Apache Kudu Jakarta Bandung

Hery Purnama 081.223344.506 - Trainer Apache Kudu di Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, Yogya



 Silabus APache Kudu

Fast Analytics on Fast Data with Apache Kudu



3 Hari



Apache Kudu adalah software gratis yang terkait dengan mekanisme penyimpanan data yang berorientasi pada kolom , dimana apache kudu juga merupakan bagian dari ekosistem Apache Hadoop. software ini kompatibel dengan sebagian besar kerangka kerja pemrosesan data di lingkungan Hadoop. dan melengkapi layer penyimpanan Hadoop dalam rangka mencapai tujuan "Fast analytics on Fast data"



Untuk bisa mengikuti pelatihan ini peserta telah  memiliki  pengetahuan dalam :

·         Skill dasar di Hadoop

·         Memahami mekanisme HDFS

·         Dasar pemograman Java / Python



Target Training

Setelah pelatihan ini Anda diharapkan memiliki skill  dalam hal

·         Kudu Functionality

·         Arsitektur Kudu

·       Bagaimana Kudu membantu di Hadoop


Target Peserta

·         Data Analytics

·         Data Science

·         Data Architect

·         Developer


Detail Materi :

About Apache Kudu

Concepts and Terms

Columnar Datastore

Raft Consensus Algorithm



Tablet Server


Catalog Table

Logical Replication

Architectural Overview

Example Use Cases

Apache Kudu (incubating) Release Notes

Introducing Apache Kudu (incubating)

About the Kudu Public Beta


Installation Options

Kudu  Release Notes

New Features in Kudu

Other Improvements and Changes in Kudu

Issues Fixed in Kudu

Incompatible Changes in Kudu

Limitations of Kudu

Upgrade Notes for Kudu

Installing Apache Kudu

Kudu Installation Requirements

Install Kudu Using the Command Line

Upgrading Kudu

Upgrading Kudu Using Parcels

Upgrade Kudu Using Packages

Installing and Using Apache Impala (incubating) With Apache Kudu

Installing Impala_Kudu Using Cloudera Manager

Installing Impala_Kudu Parcels Using the deploypy Script

Installing Impala_Kudu Parcels Manually

Installing Impala_Kudu Packages

Installing Impala_Kudu Using the Command Line

Using Impala With Kudu

Internal and External Impala Tables

Querying an Existing Kudu Table In Impala

Creating a New Kudu Table From Impala

Understanding SQL Operators and Kudu

Inserting a Row

Updating a Row

Deleting a Row

Failures During INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE Operations

Altering Table Properties

Dropping a Table

Developing With Apache Kudu

Viewing the API Documentation

Kudu Example Applications

Example Apache Impala Commands With Kudu

Integration with MapReduce, YARN, and Other Frameworks

Troubleshooting Apache Kudu

Issues Starting or Restarting the Table Server

Error during hole punch test

Clock is not synchronized

deploypy script exits with create: error: too few arguments

Troubleshooting Performance Issues

Kudu Tracing




Instruktur  :

Mr. Hery Purnama






Certified IT Trainer

 Call/ SMS/WA :  081.223344.506
 Social Net :

Hometown : Bandung - Jawa Barat

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